Located in Malmö Saluhall, Söderholmens Fisk is a shop with a generous sortiment of products from the sea such as fish, crayfish, oysters and caviar to name a few. But it is also a combined restaurant where you can get the daily fish dish for lunch, Fish & Chips, seafood platters and a range of drinks to combine it with. When it’s Fridays however it’s oyster time with bubbles in the glass to pair it with.
If you are looking for someone to prepare catering, Söderholms Fisk can help you with that aswell. During the Swedish holidays (easter, midsummer and christmas) they usually also have premade offers, taking the hard part out of the equation. If you are looking for a special product, Nina and the rest of the team are happy to help out and can likely get home whatever you might need in category of seafood.