Are you looking for the best soft ice cream in Skåne, perhaps the world? It’s a bold statement, but we do think the soft ice cream at Bee Kind Ice Cream is one of a kind and truly special. Non-existent is the almost glue-like texture that many times is the case, and instead you will find yourself with an almost granita-like one instead. One might say it’s on the limit of not being a traditional soft ice cream, but if we could decide this is exactly how it should be.
Bee Kind Ice Cream is part of Hörte Brygga in Skivarp, a unique and special visit on its own worth a detour (just make sure to book in advance). But where it’s all about eating and drinking at Hörte Brygga, here it is instead all about fika and doing so with trees, water and rocking boats as your scenery.
From the menu, we can vouch for the Bidrottningsdröm option with bee pollen, bee biscuits, roasted rugosa rose skins and sirup and as well Chokladdröm with chocolate mousse and browned white chocolate. Just as with all of their soft ice cream it’s home made with milk and honey from local producers.
Bee Kind Ice Cream is open every day during the summer, just make sure to double check it’s open for the season if you’re planning a visit either early or late.