Somewhat hidden in what used to be a military area in Ystad you will find heavily prize-awarded Daniel Müllerns latest passion project Tumült. A restaurant where anything can happen, and be rest assured it will. Unexpected day-party with tacos and tequila, highly interesting guest takeovers or simply smash burger Sundays – all can, and have happened already, at Tümult since it’s opening in 2023.
Even if the overall mood is that anything can happen at Tümult, the menu itself is a comforting pillar in the larger context where a Spanish cold lager is equally suitable as one of their easy-going wine options. It’s honestly even kind of hard to choose from the menu because there is so many things that simply fall into preference looking at it. The menu changes often too, so there is all the reason to come back ad to try out a couple of new dishes.
Tümult has quickly become a popular addition to Ystads food scene, and we can all be happy that Daniel chose to enrich all of our lives with his culinary expertise once again.