Photos: Anders Husa

She may only be 28 years old, but when it comes to eating at restaurants she has lost count a long time ago. Well, except when it comes to the time she did Jonathan Gold’s Best 101 LA restaurants in 101 days – and sold her car in the process to fund it. Or perhaps the time when she and her foodie partner Anders set the record in eating the most Madeleines at restaurant Frantzén in Stockholm.
Kaitlin has now made Copenhagen her base but the world as her oyster while she is traveling around on her life mission to guide people to the best restaurants in the world together with her hungry partner.
How did you get an interest in food and food content creation?
I’ve always loved food, but I started my Instagram as a hobby when I was a university student in NYC as an excuse to eat outside of my school cafeteria. I’ve never looked back!
What is the earliest memory of food you can remember?
My mom’s blonde brownies (the world’s best dessert!), fresh-squeezed lemonade made from lemons from my childhood backyard, and my dad’s guacamole made with avocados from our backyard.
How has food and restaurants affected you as a person?
It’s changed the way I travel! Now, I travel for food, and the rest follows after. We plan our restaurant visits first, and then explore the neighborhoods around the restaurant – not the other way around.
What is your favorite restaurant in Sweden?
And your all time favorite?
Same answer! It’s actually where Anders and I had our first date. ❤️
What is the best food experience you have had at a restaurant?
Same answer! But, specifically, the time Anders and I spent 12 hours there on my birthday, drinking Krug Champagne and eating 99 brown butter madeleines. Best. Day. Ever.
And the most crazy one?
Lis Mejeri in Falkenberg! We had no idea what to expect from this dairy farm on the outskirts of town, but we had one of the most fun meals of our life. It’s like a kid-friendly Punk Royale, with dancing chickens and pole-dancing strawberries (don’t ask, just pay them a visit and be surprised!).
What is the best dish you have ever eaten – and why?
One that comes to mind is when I was living in Italy with a family outside of Modena. My Italian mamma taught me how to make fresh pasta by hand. We made tortelloni stuffed with ricotta from the neighboring farm, and served it simply – drizzled in olive oil and a few drops of balsamic from their farm. The best dishes come down to using the best ingredients. The dish brought tears to my eyes; it was especially moving since I had learned to make it myself. When I asked for seconds, my mamma said, “Well, get up and make more!” And I did.
What is your ultimate go-to comfort food?
Vodka pasta with basil.
Recently you moved to Copenhagen with Anders. How do you enjoy Copenhagen and what has been the biggest challenge moving so far away?
I love Copenhagen, it’s such a great food city filled with such passionate people. And it’s the best pastry city in the world! The biggest challenge has been being so far from my family in the US, especially during the lockdown. But luckily we were just in LA for a few months and normally get to spend quite a bit of time in the US each year.
Do you enjoy to cook food yourself – and If so, where do you get your inspiration from?
Anders is the cook in our house, but I love to bake! This was something I did with my mom growing up and I associate it with fun family memories and the holidays. I also had a very brief stint working in a bakery, so I understand the serious amount of time and effort that goes into each pastry.
What is your favourite type of kitchen in food?
It’s hard to pick between Italian and Mexican. Maybe Italian – I could eat pizza and pasta every day.
What do you think is missing in the food scene today?
Hmm, maybe just a more general knowledge! Of how much things really cost, and why we need to pay more for better quality ingredients and also for better treatment of staff. Like everyone, I appreciate a good “cheap eat,” but I’d rather pay more to make sure everyone (from the farmer to the restaurant worker) has a better quality of life. Also, diversity! I’d love to say that the days where this industry is dominated by white males are behind us, but that’s not the case yet. We always try to lift up and amplify the voices of women and minorities through the restaurants we support, and we encourage everyone to join us in this mission.
What is the trend in the Food business you see coming in 2022?
NFTs, apparently! Although, to be honest, we’re still trying to figure out what these tokens are, exactly, it seems like they are indeed making their way into the food space. Let’s see!
What is the biggest difference in the food scene comparing Scandinavia from California?
What food do you miss the most from California/US?
Do you have any crazy food travel story?
Lots! But maybe the craziest is that food led me to Anders. Who knew that a trip to Oslo would lead me to the love of my life and the best business partner? I’m pretty lucky. ❤️
What is your biggest challenge as a food content creator?
Balancing making a living while staying true to our identity and passion. We have worked really hard to build trust with our followers, and we want them to trust us when we do sponsored content as well. That’s why we only work with brands that we really love, and why we never work with restaurants. We want to stay as unbiased, honest, and transparent as possible. But luckily, with a combination of sponsored work, YouTube ads, and the creation of our food community, The Hungries, we’re finally able to make a living doing what we love.
5 quick ones
Vanilla or chocolate?
Reuben or grilled cheese?
Grilled cheese.
Gin & tonic or negroni?
Gin & Tonic.
Napolitan or new york-style pizza?
Mozzarella or Burrata?