A roadtrip in Skåne is not far from complete without a dear visit to Hörte Hamn in Skivarp. There lies Hörte Brygga, a cozy restaurant where the salty air from the nearby boat harbor is present and where the local ingredients follow the seasons. What used to be a signature basket with goodies from the area has now been replaced with a 2 hour long lunch instead where nearby produce gets to shine in an entirely new way with finesse.
The food at Hörte Brygga is rustically beautiful and simply packed with flavors that makes your tastebuds do a pirouette inside your mouth out of happiness. If you want to explore their wine selection, they have a wide range of wines selected from all over the world with a common denominator of being a good reflection of its equivalent heritage.
Finish up your Hörte visit with a few meters walk to the back of the building and enjoy artisan made soft ice cream from their side business Bee Kind Ice Cream.