Tortillas, rice, sauces and spice. La Neta is the uncomplicated restaurant where food is being made just as one would expect it to taste as if it were made in Mexico. Here you will find tacos and quesadillas served up together with addictively good rice with corn and coriander. The portions is filling, and the only limit on how spicy your meal will go is what sauces you decide to splash on top of your portion together with the fresh juices from lime.
This taqueria is already a proven concept in Copenhagen, and after visiting their location at Södermalm in Stockholm it’s clear that this place would work very well in more cities – especially by looking at their long lines, first and foremost during lunch hours. Even if one could wish to have La Neta as a neighborhood restaurant when the need for Mexican street food kicks in, atleast, for now this place is a clear visit while on a city visit.