Take two agency creatives and pair it with a confident chef and the result becomes a dining experience out of the ordinary. Smörtaxen, a restaurant located at the citadel in Landskrona, is like the mischievous teenager when its parent tells it not to play with the food – and instead gets precisely that and nothing but. A visit at Smörtaxen is fun dining with playful dishes together with heaps of butter, sauce and a lot of laughs. It’s simply impossible not to end up in a good mood and smile all your way through the evening.
With all its delightful quirkiness aside, the main feeling you get however coming to Smörtaxen is the feeling of feeling right at home – even if you might not have a ketchup dispenser and neon lights on your toilet or plastic horses hanging in your backyard. The staff is friendly, happy and it’s obvious they enjoy the experience just as much you are while they are serving you up their fixed menu, hela rubbet. With 4 dishes, 3 snacks, bread, butter and a Russian ending you will be all set for the rest of the evening.
Expect 2 smala med mos (2 thin ones with mashed potatoes), an ode to the local sausage kiosk in the city that will (likely) never leave the menu as a starter.